Sunday 16 November 2014

Repeat After Me: I Must Not Fear Anymore and Blog!

I've had this blog for a few years and I always say; "Oh, this is going to be the year I really blog more often." Sadly, this has not happened yet. I want to say that this year it will change but, I am not sure it will. This year I have to be evaluated so I decided I'd see if could do the project route and have my evaluation be centred around my professional teaching blog as a reflection tool.  My administrator said thought this was a good idea. I was hoping that this would be enough motivation for me to blog but, it didn't as here it is mid November and I haven't started yet. I have a problem and it isn't that I don't know what to write about but, it is that I am afraid to blog because I don't feel comfortable with my writing skills. I fear that others will notice the mistakes and will think poorly off me. But, today, I had a realization. I thought how can I inspire my students to take risks and not fear when I am afraid of something I shouldn't be. My online PLN is awesome (especially those in my #plngelato) and we use twitter to share and not criticize. Therefore, why would some grammatical errors make them think poorly of me. So I am going to break through my fear so that I can show my students that they need to conquer their fears and challenge themselves because it is part of my job to inspire my students. My students just set goals at student led conference and will set a reading goal this week so as they do this I will set a goal to blog once a month sharing my thoughts and reflections.

Please tweet me if you don't see anything from. I am hoping by saying I will be doing this it will make me be accountable. Here's hoping I can conquer my fear!

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